Operational Optimization of Drone Based Asset Inspections

Unleash live has released several major platform updates to support drone-based, end-to-end energy asset inspection workflows, including distribution poles, transmission towers, and wind turbines.

In the complex and demanding field of power asset inspections, Unleash live continues to implement innovative features that streamline the workflow for its customers while complementing existing systems and processes. These features create a seamless end-to-end workflow for energy industry asset inspections, transforming how media is captured, managed, and analyzed.

Unleash live understands the complexities of asset inspections at scale and the challenges associated with organizing and allocating the work across field teams, tracking the completion status, capturing the images in a standardized manner, and the subsequent uploading of images to the system, including media management, condition assessment, and reporting. 

Media capture and organisation Workflow

Grouping and allocating assets for effective workload management

This feature allows Asset Managers or other stakeholders to visually assign inspection tasks with precision (by asset) by drawing an area around a selection of assets within Fusion Atlas (our GIS/mapping tool) to create groups.

These groups can then be easily assigned to different Drone Pilots or Operators as tasks for them to complete. This information can be easily viewed in the drone controller and is managed by teams so that pilots only see the tasks and mission corridors relevant to them.

Essentially, managers are no longer constrained by traditional methods of allocating work to the field, such as CSV or PDF files.

Asset Managers or Drone Pilots can switch the individual assets represented by Markers into the various stages of its inspection lifecycle: ‘In Progress’, ‘Complete’ and ‘Incomplete’. They are also labeled with distinguishing colors of yellow, green, and red, making tracking the work status more convenient. 

Fusion Atlas status-marker
Changing work status of inspections in Fusion Atlas


Assign Images to Assets

The latest update also provides a streamlined method for organizing captured imagery and automatically allocating and organizing it into defined asset folders within our Media Drive (media management functionality). 

Users can now aggregate images effortlessly and create layers through the Media Drive feature, streamlining the process of organizing visual data. Read more about this feature here.

Specifically, the new features allow users to:

  1. Assign assets to the organization’s defined Asset ID based on a layer in Fusion Atlas. This feature is based on proximity, taking the input as Geospatial layers in Fusion Atlas, which will have been imported previously based on information from your internal asset management systems such as SAP, either in CSV, GeoJSON,  KML/KMZ or txt formats. 

  2. If the asset mapping information is not available, the system will group images for the same asset based on the GPS information in the image metadata.

Auto-assignment of images to each individual asset

Viewing Assets on Atlas

The asset-based media management and organizational capability are enhanced by its integration into our GIS and mapping tool, Fusion Atlas, allowing users to see the assets and the associated images within the context of a satellite map.

The integrated Media Drive to the Fusion Atlas platform allows users to visualize asset images from Media Drive by hovering their mouse pointer over each marker, providing a thumbnail view of the image and the asset metadata. Clicking on the marker will take you to the full image within Media Drive.

Fusion Atlas - view images

View images with geographic context


Greater Flexibility in Managing Atlas Layers:

Users can now duplicate layers, add new layers, and apply different color schemes for geospatial marker clarity on each layer. Within layers, geospatial markers (or assets) can also be duplicated and assigned to different teams for various purposes.

About Unleash live

With Unleash live's advanced technology, businesses can unlock the potential of their visual assets through AI and machine learning. The platform analyzes and interprets embedded data in videos and images, providing actionable insights for informed decision-making, pattern identification, and real-time optimization. Manual data sifting is eliminated as the platform automates the process, saving time and resources. Seamless integration with existing systems ensures an intelligent and efficient workflow, turning visual assets into valuable knowledge. Embrace the future of enterprise video and images with Unleash live's intelligent platform.

Learn more.